Utah Shakespeare Festival

Egelstad Theatre

Run Crew/Automation Operator/Changeover Crew, Summer 2021

Scenery Director: Dan Giedeman

Production Manager: Richard Girtain

During the 2021 Summer, I attended the Utah Shakespeare Festival as a stage operations personnel. As a team of 7 we were responsible for the run and change-over of 3 shows, Richard the 3rd, Comedy of Errors, and Pericles, rotating each day two times a week.

I had the opportunity to be the Automation Operator for Richard the 3rd which had a trap and slip stage. For Comedy of Errors, I was a props run crew doing prop handoffs with actors and door opening cues. Below are pictures of each show and the backstage storage areas where we had to store scenery during each show. there is also the Automation desk with the setup I used to operate the slip stage and trap.