Technical Direction Paperwork

During my time at UNCSA I spent many hours building a Technical Direction Spreadsheet template for budgeting shows during the tech design process and interconnected sheets to track spending. All seperate sheets work based off each others information allowing for less time spent on math and data entry as well as organizing information based off unit and material to allow for easier sheet reading. Below I have photos of each sheet with a small bio of what it does and feel free to use the button to the right and interact with a copy of the spread sheet.

The first major sheet after the calendar is the “Budget Summary” sheet. within this sheet, the unit names reference the “general Reference” page that auto-populates the unit names. The estimated cost row references the “budget breakdown” sheet pulling the overall estimated cost and auto-populating a percentage of the total budget which is also pulled from the “general Reference” sheet. the percentages of each contingency line are changeable with a drop-down that automatically changes how much of the budget the percentages are using, pulls it from the budget and gives the remaining total at the bottom. The same is set up for the person-hours in the second section. lastly, the materials breakdown section takes all the different materials from the budget breakdown and totals them up to give a full order list.

The next page is the “Budget Breakdown” sheet. This page has a seperate box for each unit to allow room for what materials will be used and budgeted for that unit. There is a drop down to pick a material and the cost auto-populates based off the “materials pricing” sheet. Add a quantity and the subtotal will auto-populate. At the bottom the sheet will add up each subtotal to make a grand total for that unit which will automaticity update the “Budget Summery” sheet. there are identical boxes for each unit and all the unit names are also based off the “general reference” sheet. At the top there is a small summery section that allows for easy eye tracking to know how much budget has been used.

The next sheet is the “Daily Ledger” sheet. This sheet is a data entry sheet done during build to keep track of how much is being spent each day with a row for date, a unit name drop down, material name drop down with a auto-populating price, data entry quantity and an auto-populating subtotal. above it is a referenced show budged and a total of how much is currently spent and what is remaining.

The next page is the “Ledger by Unit” page which is a fully referenced sheet. each box references the “Daily Ledger” sheet and takes looking for the unit name and once a material is chosen on the drop down will add up how much of that material is being used for that unit. All that has to be entered is the material and everything else will auto-populate. This sheet allows the user to see how much of the budget each unit is using during the build process and also shows how much the projected budget was and whether or not that unit is over or under budget. There is the same summary section at the top that also shows the difference from the projected budget and if it is over or under budget.

Lastly are the two data entry pages, the “Materials Pricing” and “General Reference” sheets. the pricing sheet has all material names and prices that all the drop downs and cost boxes reference and when changed in this sheet will automaticity change all other sheets to match. The “General Reference” sheet is the same with names of the team, units, show, and show budget that once added or changed to this sheet will automaticity change all other sheets.

**Reminder there is an button top/right of this page to interact with the sheet!