The Rivals
UNCSA Fletcher Opera
Lead Carpenter, Spring 2023
Directed By: Stephanie Havey
Lighting Designer: Frankie Stiehl-Guerra
Scenic Designer: Leo Murphy
Costume Designer: Teddy McMahon
Technical Director: Emily Weinberger
Assistant Technical Director: Jake Wales
Draftsperson: Ophelia Jackson
During my 3rd year at UNCSA, I was the Lead Carpenter for our spring opera “The Rivals”. This show consisted of a false proscenium and 2 double-sided rolling units, one a house with an interior and exterior side and an arch also with an interior and exterior. There were also 2 rolling heart trellis units that came on for the last scene of the show.
As the Lead Carpenter, my job was very similar to my job on Sweeney Todd, to facilitate drafts from the Technical Director to the shop floor, making sure everything was built properly and on schedule. I completed daily calls and shop reports and filled out a material usage ledger and a personnel hour ledger throughout the build process. During the Load-in process, I worked with the Technical Director and Production Electrician to work out the best Load-in process with each department and run the load-in for the scenery with the TD. During the show, I was the Deck chief for the run crew. We rotated each of the two large units multiple times during the show and helped with prop transitions as well as moving the heart trellis unit on stage in the last scene. I then facilitated the Load-out and strike of the show. Below are links to my shop report and daily call paperwork as well as process photos and finished photos.