Tenor Overboard
Glimmerglass Festival
Apprentice Carpenter, Summer 2022
Directed By: Francesca Zambello and Brenna Corner
Lighting Designer: Robert Wierzel
Scenic Designer: James Noone
Costume Designer: Loren Shaw
Technical Director: Ross Rundell
Assistant Technical Director: Kyle Ludwig
Lead Carpenter: Aaron Graham
During the 2022 summer, I attended the Glimmerglass Opera Festival as an Apprentice Carpenter. One of the shows I worked on was “Tenor Overboard”. this show consisted of a main ship unit, a rolling staircase unit with a back door, 3 (1 small, 2 large) smokestacks, an on-stage railing system, and a portal.
I was responsible for building the front door, and staircase back door, and was given the opportunity to build the small smoke stack that sits on the main unit. Below are process photos and finished photos of each piece I worked on.