Passing Strange


Lead Welder & Carpenter, Spring 2022

Directed By: Christopher Burris

Lighting Designer: Wheeler Moon

Scenic Designer: Gisela Estrada

Costume Designer: Cassandra Sisson

Technical Director: Ryan Lasich

Assistant Technical Director & Lead Carpenter: Emmy Babyak

During my 2nd year at UNCSA, I was the Lead welder for our spring play “Passing Strange”. This show consisted of 4 steel tracking window units, 2 steel light boxes, 2 soft-faced painted flats, a main platform system, and a background scaffolding system.

I was responsible for the construction of the 4 steel window units and 2 light boxes and had a special project to make truss brackets for our angled truss units. I also assisted in the trial assembly of the scaffolding unit and the load-in and out. Below are photos of my welding projects and final photos.